by David de Hilster
A group of renowned cosmologists and astrophysicist are in search of a realistic picture of the universe. Their research and observational discoveries point in a direction diametrically opposed to the predominant Bog Bang theory – this leads to a series of sociological situations that verge on the extreme dogma controls wielded against Copernicus and Galileo in the past; only now against our protagonists of the 21st century. This is a controversial science documentary touching on the nerve of everything astronomers and cosmologist claim they know about the universe today. >>>think critically...
by Harry Ricker
Particle Fever is a science documentary film that unmasks the deception behind modern particle physics in the course of making a documentary about the Large Hadron Collider or LHC and the claimed discovery of the Higgs Boson.  The film takes us into the world of particle physics, its people, its machines and its human self deceptions, in a way never see... >>>think critically...
by Harry Ricker
David de Hilster’s film, Einstein Wrong – The Miracle Year, is a documentary that explores an important nascent social movement that is currently ignored by the establishment mainstream media. It documents the aspirations of ordinary people to more completely understand and appreciate the world they live in, but who can not, because of a systematic co... >>>think critically...